We Are Arek & Beata
Qualifications :
- Register contractor in the State of Connecticut.
- over 25 years painting and custom construction experience
- Liability insurance
- Custom Art Work: our in-house Rhode Island School Of Design artist is well qualified to design, custom water color or oil art pieces to fit the newly painted quarters, interior design to fit the new construction.
- Computer trained and skilled operator in computer imaging and color design software.
Accomplishments: Ÿ
- Repainted exterior of 267 Middle Haddam Rd Portland CT the Knowles House (was a Federal center-hall house of excellent proportions) historical on original site (built c.1820)
Ÿ - Repainted exterior of 1338 Saybrook Road Haddam CT historical building (built c. 1833)
Ÿ - Complete repaint of 332 Middle Haddam Rd, Portland Historical building George Hubbard (built c.1852)
We have yet to see unsatisfied customer!!! We use the best quality paints, materials and components which allows our products and services to be long lasting and dependable. Our firm caters to all.
All out quotes are free and completed within 24-48 hours.